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Much like total U.S. adults, time spent among Hispanic and Asian Americans were equal to Q3 2017, albeit with some changes in how that total was accumulated.
Hispanics spent 22 additional minutes on smartphones and 10 additional minutes per day on TV- connected devices than the year prior.
Perhaps the biggest reveal is how live TV consumption is dropping among Hispanics aged 18+ -- without any jump in time-shifted TV consumption. At the same time, radio consumption is down, but perhaps in a way that is not as dramatic – and impactful to marketers – than the decline in time spent with TV.
Interestingly, game console use did not see significant growth, or declines in use.
For Hispanics – and for all consumers – it is the smartphone that is taking more and more of our time and attention.
What is perhaps most striking from the Total Audience Report is how Hispanics are far different than Blacks with respect to TV consumption. While Black live and time-shifted TV consumption is on the decline, it is still significantly higher than that of the total population – and much, much higher than that of Hispanics.
Meanwhile, Hispanics overindex with respect to video focused app/web on a smartphone. Among this consumer group, usage grew by 55% — to 17 minutes per day.
Marketers must react – and are doing so in many ways. “Unlike video consumption, social media usage is more consistent across different races and ethnicities with little year-over-year change,” Nielsen notes. Still, Hispanic social networking via a smartphone greatly overindexes the total population with respect to average time spent per adult aged 18 and older.