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PABLO ABREU: There is no doubt that social media has become
almost ubiquitous, especially with the younger segment – and this is
not any different for Hispanics. As we all know, media platforms and
media mix vary based on many factors — objectives, target demo,
budget, category and most importantly, if the client has social media
pages or not.
As of today, and based on our list of clients, for the most part social
media continues to be a supplement to a robust mix of traditional
media and digital. Nonetheless, it is important to point out that we
have had a couple of clients that have relied solely on social media to
deliver a specific initiative.
ADAM: What are the key client trends with respect to social
marketing? Is Facebook still the leader, or is Instagram, Snapchat or another platform gaining?
PABLO: Clients are employing artificial intelligence more than ever before to facilitate and improve their
social marketing plans. Artificial intelligence has enabled marketers to gather, review and activate on
actionable insights across multiple platforms that would be nearly impossible for human beings to sort
Social listening is a major tool of emphasis that brands are leveraging to get a read on the public
sentiment when it comes to their product/offerings. Additionally, the eruption of influencer marketing
adds an interesting layer to all social media executions as brands are now adding trusted voices to
humanize and bring their offerings to life. Per Mediakix, 80% of marketers find influencer marketing to
be an effective tactic, and we are currently putting this to the test for our Amica Mutual Insurance
client across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, as we ultimately want to build on the trust influencers
command over their audiences.
Reality is that as users are social surfing, they are constantly interacting or quickly dismissing the
content they come across. On average, Americans have up to six social media accounts, and it is
extremely important to speak in their language and tone if you want to stand out from all the clutter.
In today’s world, Facebook is still the leader within the space, as 62% of social sites and app Hispanic
users have visited Facebook within the last 30 days, according to Nielsen. Despite Facebook having the
largest reach, Hispanics are heavily engaged on Instagram, as they are 34% more likely than non-
Hispanics to visit Instagram. Snapchat, while on the lower end in terms of users, continues to grow
within the younger segment due to all of its platform enhancements. Instagram and Snapchat’s audience
is not only younger than Facebook’s — 46% of Instagram and 54% of Snapchat’s user base is younger
than 34 years old vs Facebook’s 36% — but they are also more mobile heavy.
We can for expect younger-skewing platforms to continue to innovate and increase their user base in the
years to come.
ADAM: When traditional media has a digital opportunity, is there interest — or is it an "add-on" based on
a radio/TV/print buy?
PABLO: In 2019, digital tactics should not be an option or afterthought for any media mix. Rather, digital
should be required. It is no secret that digital budgets continue to grow and, in some cases, digital is
outpacing traditional media investments, depending on the client’s objectives.

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