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Hispanic CMO, presented by López Negrete Communications 2016 Edition
In ancient times, the Romans and Greeks used murals and sculptures to tell their history and the story of their day-to-day reality. Today, the idea of painting a picture that captivates the population through reflection and influence could serve as a beneficial tool for helping a brand refine its “total market” approach. After all, the concept of what “total market” is continues to be debated – and misunderstood.
By Adam R Jacobson
Three years after the publication of the 2014 Hispanic CMO Thought Leaders report, the words “total market” continue to elicit a variety of responses.
For one top multicultural agency head, answering any questions about how his agency has embraced or adjusted to “total market” client demands were an impossibility. Simply put: “total market” is total BS, and markets need to approach all consumers from an “omnicultural”
For Gilbert Dávila, president and CEO of Los Angeles-based Dávila Multicultural Insights and chair of the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) multicultural marketing and diversity committee, navigating through the “total market” discussions and divergent pathways to ROI has become a herculean task.
That’s why he personally congratulates the nine executives who have been honored by the industry as 2016 Hispanic Thought Leaders.
While Dávila helped in the nomination process, a team effort of multicultural marketing and advertising professionals selected these nine Hispanic-market CMOs for their demonstration of strong leadership across all areas of their company.
“They have expressed strength internally, within their organizations, and have excelled in all levels of the operations in which they serve,” Dávila says. “These top Thought Leaders have demonstrated great leadership, and have shown great support of the Hispanic market. They have a good understanding of the Hispanic business opportunity.”
To say that the nine individuals honored as 2016 Hispanic Thought Leaders earned this distinction is an understatement, Dávila believes.

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