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Alex López Negrete, López Negrete Communications
Also asked whether or not social was more of a compliment, rather than a must-do, in the Hispanic market was Alex Lopez-Negrete, President/CEO of Houston-based agency López Negrete Communications.
“It’s an interesting thing, because social is part of the conversation from the beginning,” he says. “But Liz is right. The budgets don’t get appropriated.”
As agencies, leaders such as López Negrete present “a liquid idea that permeates all channels, including social.”
When it comes time for budget appropriations, he says, “it seems to fall flat.”
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For López Negrete Communications, its CEO notes, many clients still think it is an upper-funnel tool, with brand awareness a key attribute. At his agency, social is “a complete ecosystem” – one that is applied to the entire purchase journey.
But, López Negrete warns, “Social has gone paid – to boost a post you put your money behind it. There is reticence there.”
There’s that word again.
“Social has a lot of layers,” he says. López Negrete Communications mines for and empowers authentic social influencers. Unlike Infusion by Castells, López Negrete does not use microinfluencers.
That said, any social content is developed in a manner in which “laddering up” of social media is intertwined to the whole social strategy. “It is one thing to use Facebook and post,” he says. “Another is to look at the big platform and understand what it can be.”
Having a compass, once to lead the marketer in the right direction, is one piece of advice López Negrete has to offer. This will help them to understand just how “crazy active” the Hispanic online consumer is, and how “social forward” they are.
López Negrete points to January 2018 research conducted by eMarketer to drive his point home. “Agencies need to understand that we are social animals,” he notes.
Yet, there is a dearth of marketers creating social content that is in-culture and in-language – keys to connecting online with this active and affluent consumer group.

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