Page 32 - HSMR2018
P. 32

2018 Hispanic Social Marketing Report, presented by Being Latino
HMO: What's the core ROI value for a marketer/brand with respect to social/digital: Increased sales, increased awareness, or something else?
DK: The core ROI value for a brand evaluating social/digital marketing varies by campaign and is dependent on the KPIs being measured. There is great value with social media creating high levels of engagement, which in turn assists with the increase of brand awareness. However, in today’s landscape brands are looking for an immediate sales lift. As Social/Digital marketing campaigns continue to become more sophisticated, they have evolved to be a strong gauge capable of monitoring sales impact. The sales opportunity is evident, since 79% of heavy social media users have made an online purchase within a year, according to Scarborough. Social Media users are also purchasing more online, which shows the quality of the audience: 41% of medium social media users spent $500 or more in online purchases, whereas, only 22% of non-social media users spent the same amount.
HMO: What is driving social activity in the US Hispanic consumer world? Are the "GAFAN" giants controlling not only dollars, but user attention? Are Hispanic-centric websites, apps and blogs too niche?
DK: Consumer needs and ease of accessibility are driving the social actions of the U.S. Hispanic consumer world — it is no longer necessarily driven solely by language. GAFAN are without a doubt winning the lion’s share of the consumer’s attention, which is the golden ticket all marketers are searching for. This is because GAFAN is not only meeting the needs of our consumers through the ease of use of the various platforms, but also showing relevance in both language and content.
• Google puts the knowledge of the world at the tip of consumers' hands. It has become second nature to the point where "to Google" or "Googlelealo" (in Spanish slang) have become common words in their everyday vocabulary. The possibilities are endless as Google dominates not only verbal search but also video searches. Google is a default for many, including Hispanics, especially as there is no barrier due to the ease of use of Google
T ranslate.
• Apple is the epitome of innovation to the consumer. We know that Hispanics have high smartphone penetration and excel in the adoption of new technology which explains the high relevance index Apple has to obtaining Hispanic consumer attention.
• Facebook has broken all borders and will tear down any physical or imaginary "wall" attempted to be built. This platform is a social connector that allows open communication regardless of language.
• Amazon offers ease of accessibility for consumers. In our multitasking world, patience has declined at the same rate of attention spans as they are directly correlated. Amazon plays on this by providing instant gratification.
• Netflix has led the shift in the TV landscape by paving the way for OTT and C-TV. With new original content paired with familiar favorites, Netflix has become the hub of entertainment. Netflix acknowledges this and continues to increase its opportunities with the Hispanic audience. Netflix not only houses Hispanic content such as novelas and bio-series,

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