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2018 Hispanic Social Marketing Report, presented by Being Latino
The challenge remains in how that social media effort ties to sales. Toyota, she says, is trying to tie it to the main Toyota website, and the dealer site and digital ads that lead directly to online searches.
“We are tying digital to social more than we used to,” Castells says.
Some social is just exposure, but there needs to be a certain percentage of social that needs to be tied to purchase metrics, she adds.
Are client budgets being tilted to digital/social from traditional media?
“It is not by any means replacing it, and it is a matter of incorporating all,” Castells says. “The costs are so different, and if the cost of digital was the same as a TV spot, then there would be greater impact. Yes, there is a decrease in ratings on TV side, but it is still the No. 1 medium.”
Additionally, Castells says, “The metrics are still an issue, and the numbers of the importance of doing it are compelling. We’re doing more robust programs than we were a year ago but there is still a way to go.”
What's the ROI desire of marketers using social/digital platforms in the U.S. Hispanic market?
“Because clients do not innately and haven’t internally measured the importance of a direct ad, then it is the matter of continual education,” Castells says. “It’s about engagement as part of the sales funnel but it is not necessarily tied to reach, or traffic.”
For Farmer John, the social/digital
effort is skewed toward engagement. “But then we analyze what the sales are,” Castells is quick to ad. “We tie in a coupon code if we are giving away ‘bacon dollars,’” she adds, noting that the Farmer John #BaconParty is now an ongoing hashtag after originally planning to do it for just a month.
She concludes, “It is about effectiveness, and getting the client to understand that there are different parts of the sales path where sales are needed. The ones less into it are ones that demand incremental sales and think they are not going to invest more dollars.”
It is not by any means replacing it, and it is a matter of incorporating all. The costs are so different, and if the cost of digital was the same as a TV spot, then there would be greater impact.
Liz Castells

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