Page 42 - HMO 2019-edit
P. 42

The story of "fair play" is one told repeatedly across the year, led by the 4A's and Sherman Kizart.
“Something has to happen on all these issues, and sending out charter is a part of that,” says Mr. Lopez
But, the 4 A’s didn’t go far enough, in his opinion.
“When you look at the charter, it starts with media buying, but to me, the trouble starts with the media planning,” he says. “When you have a marketer that only wants to reach English-speaking Latinos or in the case of African American [only uses total market media] ... A I don’t know how you can possibly go around that.”
That’s why Mr. Lopez Negrete would love to see the fair play charter start with planning, not just at the buying level.
“The level of explanations that we have to get today on the use of some stations is unbelievable,” he says, noting that talk about different radio formats and which ones aren’t so favorable permeate discussions. “It just seems that when the audience levels are what they are, when the mix is what it is, why are we having these discussions?”
Further, some marketers will avoid putting a media plan forward that includes a buy on Spanish- language television news.
Even Hispanic Market Overview couldn’t understand why such an aversion to news programming – considering the dollars put into Telemundo and Univision’s respective local and national news operations in recent years – was common.
For Mr. Lopez Negrete, it’s just one more example of how marketers are mistaking cultural identity markers and why more CMOs need to be brave by letting multicultural insights lead, instead of continuously taking and injecting them. “That is not what should be done in 2019,” he implores. “It’s time for Multicultural to lead. I don’t know if it is deafness or stubbornness, but this is time to lead. This is where the fish are.
“The media and channels are more robust and more measured than ever. We have more tools and data than ever,” he concludes. We no longer fly by our gut. Our gut instincts are now fueled by data, information, and measurement. Again – we have taken major steps forward. Still, my point remains that we should be further along in the commitment than we actually are. That’s my only point. I feel it’s still like high school sex: everyone talks about it, but not that many people are doing it, and those that are doing it, few are doing it well and consistently.

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